S črto čez črko / Line Stroke the Letter
Exhibition: S črto čez črko / Line Stroke the Letter
Location: Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana
Date: 5 September – 13 October 2013
Opening: 5th September, 2013 at 8 pm
Accompanying event / Lecture performance: 25 September 2013, 6 pm, Dejan Habicht: 12 Boring Poems
Artists: Vesna Bukovec, Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič, Zvonko Čoh in Milan Erič, Dejan Habicht, Marko A. Kovačič, Damijan Kracina, Amir Muratović, Alenka Pirman, Nataša Prosenc, Zoran Srdič Janežič, Petra Varl, Rajko Vidrih, Jaka Železnikar
Exhibition concept: Barbara Borčić, Dušan Dovč, Ida Hiršenfelder, Saša Nabergoj
Napetosti med jezikovnim in slikovnim omogočajo eksperimentiranje z literarnim in likovnim umetniškim izrazom. Dela na razstavi različnih žanrov (ilustracija, risba, stenska slika, tipografija, video, animacija, instalacija, elektronska knjiga, spletna umetnost) vzpostavljajo drugačne pristope k podobi in črki – tudi zato, da se v današnjem času tehnokratske rabe jezika spodbuja kritično »branje« likovnega ter “gledanje” literarnega in pripovednega.
Več o razstavi
Galerija Vžigalica
Vabilo (pdf)
Between language and image, there is neither contradiction nor analogy. That is to say, there is no direct relation between them, there is only ambiguity, e.g. obscurity being expressed, hinting at the inability to express a direct translation between the two. Any translation would only discuss another matter, one that the language or the image wish to represent; it would address the numerous levels of social phenomena that are mainly expressed as absurd, nonsensical, humorous, playful, bitter, gruesome or romantic witticisms about life.
More about the exhibition
Vžigalica Gallery
Invitation leaflet (pdf)
I am participating with a a series of drawings: Kako se uspešno spopasti z neuspehom / How to fail successfully (2011/2013)
Galeries and Institutions
- ArtFem.TV
- Culture.si
- Galerija Alkatraz
- Hiša kulture v Pivki
- International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)
- Museum of Modern Art (Moderna galerija)
- Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost
- Outcasting
- P74 Center and Gallery
- Photon Gallery
- SCCA-Ljubljana
- Simulaker
- Škuc Gallery
- The Bring In Take Out Living Archive
- The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec (Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec)
- Umetnostna galerija Maribor (UGM)