ARTSLAB 06, What if… and beyond

Friday, July 11th, 2014 | Razstave

Exhibition: ARTSLAB 06, What if… and beyond
Location: Open Systems, online exhibition
Date: May 2014 –

Artists: Vesna Bukovec, Bernhard Cella, Giulia Cilla, Yolanda Domínguez, Gani Llalloshi, Swoon, Sašo Sedlaček

Curator: Vasja Nagy

Open Systems

About the project

ARTSLAB is a project by Open Systems. The 6th edition is curated by Vasja Nagy and focuses on the trajectory of how we perceive our present now and distinguish it from the past – chaotic vs. ordered, concerning with stimulating a dialogue at its reinvention for alternative thinking on the future of a long-term survival of humanity by taking contemporary art works more as a catalyst for the present.


I am participating with the series of videos White Performances / Positive Affirmations (2010)

White Performances

Presentation at the exhibition website:

For the art of Vesna Bukovec generating a critical view on instant spirituality through satirical depictions is characteristic. She uses video and drawings to fake practices based on instructions for making an individual’s life better and positive. As well she criticises the attitudes in society filled with stereotyped views on marginal identities sometimes through enhancing them as caricatures or subtly just make them evident when concealed in every-day life. In 2009 she made a video It will be OK where she already used this clean, white aesthetics and positive affirmative mantra ideology. Such instructions with the goal of a happy and creative life have been popularised since decades ago through books, magazines, video courses and Internet. White performances / Positive Affirmations is a series of four videos that follow a similar course. The one from a year earlier still triggers the emotionality. Melancholic-romantic feelings should calm one’s anxiety with trust in a good outcome. On the other hand the later series is more specific in which way everything in one’s life is changing under the force of thought. The original idea was that the technique should act to tranquillise but the videos are just long enough to become annoying. Try to follow all three at one time.

Vasja Nagy

Slovensko | English


