
Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 | Razstave

Exhibition: Stik/h,
Location: Fürst House, Krempljeva 1, Ptuj, SI
Date: August 27–30, 2014
Opening: Wednesday, August 27, at midnight

Artists: Vesna Bukovec, Anja Medved & Patricija Maličev, Petra Varl, Lenka Đorojević, Small but Dangers (Mateja Rojc & Simon Hudolin – Salči), Matej Stupica, Maja Burja & Staš Vrenko

Curator: Simona Žvanut


The exhibition entitled “Stik/h” is a multifaceted combination of contemporary visual art and poetry, literature, and books. Works by participating artists (some of which will be created specifically for this exhibition and the Fürst House) will launch a dialogue with the complex festival program, which brings an unmistakable atmosphere to the Days of Poetry and Wine Festival with its numerous, diverse events and with the overall redecoration of the streets of Ptuj. The exhibition will be an indispensable part of the festival, as well as a connection point of the unexpected, a space for reflection on the intersection between various art forms. Participating artists, including Lenka Đorojević, Small but Dangers (Mateja Rojc and Simon Hudolin – Salči), Matej Stupica, Maja Burja and Staš Vrenko, will enhance their exhibition on Saturday, 30 August, by a performance Stihija. The exhibition was curated by Simona Žvanut, who will organize guided tours of the exhibition every festival day at 17.00 together with participating artists.

More info

Razstava Stik/h na večplasten način prepleta sodobno vizualno umetnost in poezijo, literaturo, knjigo. Umetniška dela sodelujočih umetnikov – nekatera bodo ustvarjena posebej za to razstavo in prostore Fürstove hiše – bodo vzpostavljala dialog s kompleksnim festivalskim programom, ki s številnimi in raznolikimi dogodki ter celostno ureditvijo ptujskih ulic ustvarja nezamenljivo atmosfero Dnevov poezije in vina. Razstava bo njen nepogrešljiv del, pa tudi stik nepričakovanega, prostor za razmislek o prepletu umetniških zvrsti. Sodelujoči umetniki Lenka Đorojević, Small but Dangers (Mateja Rojc in Simon Hudolin – Salči), Matej Stupica, Maja Burja, Staš Vrenko in Dejan Koban bodo razstavo v soboto, 30. avgusta, nadgradili še s performansom Stihija. Razstavo je pripravila kustosinja Simona Žvanut, ki bo vsak dan festivala ob 17.00 skupaj s sodelujočimi umetniki organizirala vodstvo po razstavi.

Več informacij

I will participate with a new work As if (2014) and series of drawings I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same (2010)

As if

I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same

Photos from the exhibition

Vesna Bukovec, As if, exhibition view

Vesna Bukovec, I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same, exhibition view

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Curator Simona Žvanut, photo by Matej Pušnik

Exhibition opening, photo by Matej Pušnik

Exhibition opening, photo by Matej Pušnik

Exhibition opening, photo by Matej Pušnik

Slovensko | English

Vesna Bukovec deluje na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti.

Je članica umetniške skupine KOLEKTIVA.


