TRANS.form 5

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015 | Razstave

Exhibition: TRANS.form 5
Location: Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt / Dom umetnikov Celovec, AT
Date: Januar 15 – February 26, 2015
Opening: Thursday, January 15, at 7 pm

Artists: Johann Fruhmann / Michael Punz, Josef Gabler / Andrea Knezović, Wilhelm Götzl / Veronika Oberlojer, Kiki Kogelnik / Chriss Hall, Heinz Peter Maya / Edith Bergmann, Karl Stark / Andrew Mezwinsky, Ludwig Willroider / Roswitha Schuller & Markus Hanakam, Albert Zahlbruckner / Vesna Bukovec

Curator: Andres Klimbacher

Supported by: Skica

TRANSform 5

Invitation card (pdf)

O razstavi

Koncept razstavnega ciklusa TRANS.form temelji na vzpostavitvi dialoga med deli pokojnih članov Koroškega društva likovnih umetnikov (Künstverein Kärenten) in mlajšimi ustvarjalci iz regije in okolice.

Sodelujem s serijo risb Ni družbe brez spektakla (There is no society without spectacle) (2011–). Projekt se ukvarja s percepcijo množice in gledalčeve lastne pozicije ter primerja raznolike kolektivne izkušnje iz specifičnih okolij današnjega časa in preteklosti. Njihova primerjava odpira vprašanja specifike družbenih in zgodovinskih okoliščin ter globalne geografske in socialne (de)privilegiranosti.

Umetniška izjava:

Fascinacija s kolektivno izkušnjo

Pritegnila me je ena izmed slik Alberta Zahlbrucknerja ‘Praznik pri Gospe Sveti (Feiertag in Maria Saal)’ (1934). Kljub temu, da na prvi pogled ni nobene očitne vzporednice med to sliko in mojim delom, se mi je zdelo zanimivo, da ji ob bok postavim serijo svojih risb ‘Ni družbe brez spektakla (There is no society without spectacle)’ (2011–). Odprta serija trenutno devetih konceptualnih risb, ki so nastale po fotografijah, najdenih na spletu, prikazuje različne množične dogodke (proteste v New Yorku in v Sloveniji, razočarane tovarniške delavce, gledalce teniškega turnirja, kupce, ki čakajo na novi i-Phone, publiko na rokovskem koncertu, molitev v šoli, begunce, ki se prerivajo za pakete s hrano ter begunce, rešene po brodolomu). Vsem tem prizorom je skupna množica ljudi na posebnem prijetnem ali neprijetnem dogodku. Kot pravi teoretik Jean-Luc Nancy: ni družbe brez spektakla, oz. natančneje, ni družbe, brez spektakla družbe. … Ni družbe brez spektakla, saj je družba sama svoj spektakel. Lahko bi rekla, da podoba praznika v romarskem središču iz leta 1934, prikazuje takratni aktualni spektakelski dogodek v lokalnem okolju umetnika.

Vesna Bukovec

About the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 presents the newest edition of a project which has been conducted with acclaim for several years now. The basic concept is the juxtaposition of old and young:

Young artists are invited to set their current work into dialogue with selected works by former members of the Carithian Artists’ Association who are no longer alive. This dialoogue is conducted through formal criteria as well as isuues of artistic content.

The young artists’ works make reference to specific original works by the deceased artists, not as any kind of hommage, but as an intrinsic part of their current practice. This sparks off an exciting communication between the past and the present, a one-to-one conversation which is conducted purely through the medium of the works themselves.

The works in the exhibition are presented as pairings, spanning a wide arc from the past into the present, from tradition to the avant-garde, from classical technique all the way to conceptual installation.

I am participating with the drawing series There is no society without spectacle (2011–).

Artist statement:

Fascination with the collective experiences

Of the works by Albert Zahlbruckner, I was attracted by the painting ‘Feiertag in Maria Saal’ (1934). Despite the fact that at first sight there are no obvious parallels between this painting and my work, I thought it would be interesting to confront it with my series of drawings ‘There is no society without spectacle’ (2011–). The open ended series of so far nine conceptual drawings which are based on photographs found on the Internet and depict various mass events (protests in New York and in Slovenia, desperate factory workers, spectators at a tennis tournament, customers waiting for the official release of the new i-phone, the audience at a rock concert, school children at prayer, refugees struggling for their package of food and refugees rescued from a shipwreck). All these scenes have in common a crowd of people at a special pleasant or unpleasant event. As the theorist Jean-Luc Nancy would say: there is no society without spectacle; or more precisely, there is no society without the spectacle of society . … There is no society without the spectacle beacause society is the specatacle of itself. One could say that the painting of the pilgrimage in 1934 is presenting the current spectacular event in the local environment of the artist.

Vesna Bukovec

Albert Zahlbruckner / Vesna Bukovec

Photos from the exhibition

Vesna Bukovec / Albert Zahlbruckner

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

TRANS.form 5 - opening of the exhibition

Andrew Mezvinsky

Andrea Knezović

Slovensko | English

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