Vesna Bukovec: In če se motim? / And if I am wrong?
Exhibition: Vesna Bukovec: In če se motim? / And if I am wrong? (pregledna razstava risb / survey exhibition of drawings )
Location: Hiša kulture v Pivki, Snežniška cesta 2, Pivka, SI
Date: February 13 – 27, 2015
Opening: Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7 pm
Curated by: Mojca Grmek
Vesna Bukovec, from the series I am aware of the possibility to be misunderstood, 2011
O razstavi
Umetnica bo na razstavi predstavila izbor iz aktualne produkcije risb, ki na kritično-humoren način obravnavajo zagate posameznice ali posameznika ob številnih potrošniških, identitetnih, poklicnih in političnih izbirah, ki jih ponuja današnji čas. Njene risbe, vselej povezane v serije, nastajajo po fotografijah, ki jih najde na svetovnem spletu, večkrat pa vanje vključi tudi besedilo, ki je večinoma v ‘univerzalnem’ angleškem jeziku. V ospredju teh konceptualnih risb, ki so kolaž večinoma citiranih podob in izjav, je njihova sporočilnost, s katero umetnica podaja svoj komentar in kritiko sodobne družbene realnosti.
Galerijski list (pdf)
Objave v medijih:
Kritika razstave, avtorica Nina Jesih, tečajnica Svet umetnosti. Šole za kustose in kritike sodobne umetnosti
Prispevek v Osmem dnevu, RTV SLO 1, 12. 3. 2015 (avtorica Andreja Kočar)
RTV SLO 1, Kultura ob 22h, 25. 2. 2015 (od 02:57 do 03:46)
Veronika R. Ženko: S provokacijo nad instant družbo, Primorske novice, 16. 2. 2015
Najava v Mladini, 13. 2. 2015
Dela na razstavi:
- Na čigav račun / At whose expense, 2015
- As if, 2014
- Ali me nočete, ker sem kritična / Do you not want me, because I’m critical, 2012
- Ni družbe brez spektakla / There is no society without spectacle, 2011–
- Kako se uspešno spopasti z neuspehom / How to fail successfully, 2011
- Obstaja možnost, da boste napačno razumeli / I am aware of the possibility to be misunderstood, 2011
- Obljubim, da bom spremenila svet, ampak le, če bo to storilo tudi 10 drugih / I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same, 2010
- Pozitivna iluzija / Positive Illusion, 2009
Hiša kulture v Pivki
Snežniška cesta 2
6257 Pivka
Galerija je odprta v času prireditev in po dogovoru (031 768 427).
About the exhibition
The exhibition brings forward a selection from the current production of drawings by Vesna Bukovec. The drawings, always conected in series, are based on the photos found on the Internet and often include text. They address the dilemma of the individual on a vast number of consumer, identity, professional and political choices offered today. The message of these conceptual drawings, which are collages of mostly quoted images and statements, is the artist’s comment and critique of contemporary social reality.
Works at the exhibition:
- Na čigav račun / At whose expense, 2015
- As if, 2014
- Ali me nočete, ker sem kritična / Do you not want me, because I’m critical, 2012
- There is no society without spectacle, 2011–
- How to fail successfully, 2011
- I am aware of the possibility to be misunderstood, 2011
- I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same, 2010
- Positive Illusion, 2009
Opening of the exhibition
Exhibition view
Photo: Simon Avsec
Galeries and Institutions
- ArtFem.TV
- Galerija Alkatraz
- Hiša kulture v Pivki
- International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)
- Museum of Modern Art (Moderna galerija)
- Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost
- Outcasting
- P74 Center and Gallery
- Photon Gallery
- SCCA-Ljubljana
- Simulaker
- Škuc Gallery
- The Bring In Take Out Living Archive
- The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec (Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec)
- Umetnostna galerija Maribor (UGM)