La Fine del Nuovo / Konec novega

Monday, June 27th, 2016 | Razstave

Razstava: La Fine del Nuovo / The End of the New. CAP. III The Grand Tour. Jurney to the End of the New. / Konec novega. Pog. III Velika turneja. Potovanje na konec novega.
Lokacija: Stazione Ferroviaria di Cividale del Friuli / Čedad, UD, IT
Datum: 2.–24. 7. 2016
Otvoritev: 2. 7. 2016, ob 15.00

Umetnika: Vesna Bukovec (SI), Pleurad Xhafa (AL)
Kurator: Paolo Toffolutti (IT)

La fine del Nuovo 3

stazione cividale-03

Obsežni mednarodni razstavni projekt z naslovom Konec novega je zasnovala videmska kulturna organizacija Neo, da bi obeležila dvajsetletnico svojega delovanja. Razstava z istim naslovom bo v različnih oblikah in postavitvah gostovala v več italijanskih mestih ter Ljubljani in Zagrebu v obdobju 2016-2017.
Jeseni bo izšel razstavni katalog na 600 straneh. Partnerji iz Italije, Slovenije in Hrvaške bodo gostili 16 razstav, na katerih bo sodelovalo 85 umetnic in umetnikov.

Vabilo (pdf)
Besedilo o razstavi (pdf)

“The artworks pull the spectators into a theatre to attend a tragedy, experience it from a distance and contemplate the relations, patterns and stereotypes in real life. They are meant to break the hypnosis of everyday life ruled by the function of media, the means of communication and the economic and political relations. Without a hint of superiority towards the audience these artworks could act as simple old magic for staying sane. Some would call them activist, I prefer active.”

Citat iz besedila This art is active (Ta umetnost je aktivna), ki ga je o mojem delu napisal Vasja Nagy.
Besedilo bo izšlo v katalogu projekta La fine del Nuovo / The End of the New in autumn 2016.
Celotno besedilo (v angleščini)

Na razstavi sodelujem z deli:

As if (digitalni print, 2014)
I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same (series of drawings, 2010)
How to fail successfully (series of drawings, 2011)
It Will Be OK (video, 2009)

As if

I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same

How to fail successfully


It will be OK

Slovensko | English

Vesna Bukovec deluje na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti.

Je članica umetniške skupine KOLEKTIVA.


