Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta / V iskanju izgubljene avre

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 | Razstave

Razstava: Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta / V iskanju izgubljene avre
Lokacija: Galleria Regionale d’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Spazzapan, Gradišče ob Soči, IT
Datum: Side A: 10. 3.–4. 4. 2018, Side B: 7. 4.–3. 5. 2018
Otvoritev: sobota, 10. 3. 2018, ob 18. uri

Kurator: Paolo Toffolutti
Umetnice in umetniki: Marina Abramović & Ulay, Diane Arbus, Bruno Baltzer e Leonora Bisagno, Glenn Brown, Vesna Bukovec, Jeff Burton, Diego Caglioni, Larry Clark, Sabine Delafon, Silvia Donini, Luciano Fabro, Ann Hamilton, John Hilliard+Jemima Stehli, Annibal Lopez, Iva Lulashi, Urs Luthi, Francesca Martinelli, Juan Munoz, Joseph Nechvatal, Sini Pelkki, Tadej Pogačar, Koka Ramishvili, Stefano Serretta, Jim Shaw, Davide Skerlj, Laurie Simmons, Jemima Stehli, Cesare Viel, Tanja Vujinović, Andy Warhol, Clemens Wilhelm, Valerie Wolf Gang, Metka Zupanič


Razastava je del mednarodnega razstavnega projekta z naslovom L’Occhio Irresponsabile / Neodogorno oko, ki ga organizira videmska kulturna organizacija Neo. Projekt sestavljajo tri razstave. Poleg razstave Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta / V iskanju izgubljene avre (kurator Paolo Toffolutti) še razstavi Andreja Kulunčič: Different Voices / Različni glasovi (kurator Antun Maračić) in Omnia ab Uno: l’Artista come Sciamano ed Etnografo / Umetnik kot šaman in etnograf (kurator Josip Zanki).

Razstavni projekt L’Occhio Irresponsabile / Neodogorno oko bo pospremil obširen katalog. V njem bo objavljeno tudi besedilo, ki ga je o moji umetniški praksi napisala Simona Žvanut.

O razstavi

In Search of a Lost Aura is a contemporary art exhibition about the visual injunction we are forced to face in this second modernity we are living in. An exhibition that goes from sixties until now, with 70 works of art of accomplished as much as unknown and emergent artists. Works that analyze the topic of the screen-facade, of the representation and negotiation of the look between subject and other. A mediation that passes through the screen – Alice in Wonderland – of the media, always more intelligent and independent. A device that we used to use to address others, and that now is turned inside out. A screen that, instead of building relations, incarcerates inside a web. A world wide web that bounded the entire planet. Since we live in a present always more rapid, timeless, made of wide spaces and narrow moments, the resetting of time and duration has completely transformed the anthropological meaning of human relations, the surround and other’s perception. The title of the exhibition and its contents ambiguously recall this new proustian or Spilbergian temporality, combined with the concept of aura expressed by Walter Benjamin in its 1936’s essay; its loss and, nowadays, its reconstruction, or new virginity, in the digital era. From Andy Warhol to Alberto Vidissoni, like from everybody to anybody. A mental map inside a cultural and political geography, for many still to be explored.

Paolo Toffolutti

Letak L’Occhio Irresponsabile / The Irresponsible Eye (pdf)
Najava za medije Alla Ricerca dell’Aura Perduta (pdf, v italijanščini)
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