Video in Progress 3 – Call for application

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 | Novice

This year, the Photon Gallery in collaboration with the Kolektiva Institute prepares the third edition of Video in Progress exhibition project which will take place in Photon Gallery at Poljanska 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia, in the period June – July 2009.

The topic of this year’s exhibition is Performance for Video.

We are interested in works where rather than merely documenting an art project video itself features as an art form. Video documentation of a performance held in front of the audience/in the gallery does not meet the application criteria.

The works submitted must have been produced no earlier than January 1st, 2007.
Eligible entries must not exceed 15 minutes of running time.
An individual author may submit a maximum of 3 works.
There is no entry fee.

The application should include:

  • Video, DVD (PAL)
  • A short concept of the video
  • Information on the video: title, duration, year of production
  • Two photographs from the video (jpg, tiff)
  • Information on the author: biography, year of birth, education, field of work, place of residence and work
  • Contact: name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail.

Send the applications by mail by including 2nd March 2009 (postmark) to the following address:

Galerija Photon
Poljanska 1
1000 Ljubljana

The documentation delivered will be kept at our archives and not returned to the sender.
The organizers will notify all applicants on the final programme by e-mail by the end of March 2009.

We look forward to your participation.

More information:

Slovensko | English

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