The Dump – Recycling of Thoughts

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 | Razstave

Exhibition: The Dump – Recycling of Thoughts
Location: Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk
Date: April 24 – May 30, 2010

Artists: Dave Ball, Vesna Bukovec, Agnieszka Chojnacka, Łukasz Jastrubczak, Agnieszka Kurant, Łukasz Ogórek, Tom Milnes, Kama Sokolnicka, Metka Zupanič

Curator: Agnieszka Kulazińska

The Dump – Recycling of Thoughts

About the exhibition:
The idea of “” was conceived by French artist and theorist Maurice Benayoun. It comes down to a dump of thoughts. It exists in the form of an Internet blog which comprises concepts of works in theoretical or hypothetical shape, ideas too complex to be realized, and not clearly defined, transient thoughts being born each day in artist’s mind.

What is the difference between today’s artists and regular citizens? Since the Renaissance the situation was clear as the craftsmanship was an indispensable element of artistic production. The artist worked according to disegno – the intellectual idea – and the capability to put it into practice was essential. In the 20th century the proportions reversed: the craft ceased to matter and artistic activity shifted into the sphere of pure conceptuality. Today, the final work can be as well accomplished by another person, be born through coincidence, or the viewers themselves can become co-authors or provide conditions for it to appear.

“The Dump – Recycling of Thoughts” is an experiment whose construction brings to mind an Internet forum. The artists invited to the project will be asked to realize concepts picked up from the dump.

More about the exhibition

I am participating with a series of drawings I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same.

I promise to change the world but only if 10 other people will do the same

Slovensko | English


