Art in a Suitcase

Monday, August 30th, 2010 | Razstave

Exhibition: Art in a Suitcase (Curator’s intervention)
Location: Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Ravenna, Mola di Bari, Istanbul
Date: September 1 – October 3, 2010

Curator: Vasja Nagy

Participating artists (at departure): Uršula Berlot, Marko Brecelj, Vesna Bukovec, Gani Llalloshi, Žiga Okorn, Bojan Radovič, Tilen Žbona

About the project:
Art in a Suitcase starts as a curatorial project depending on the initial communication between the curator and artists involved. Based on the idea of a travelling exhibition that can fit into one traveller’s suitcase and be presented or exposed virtually in any place. Once the initial selection is done and packed, the curator starts the travel by most convenient means. Destinations are in fact places where the curator has been invited to carry out an event.

Curator in a suitcase, interview with Vasja Nagy by Ana Peraica,, July 2011

I am participating with the video It Will Be OK

It Will Be OK

Slovensko | English


