Vesna Bukovec: Risbe / Drawings
Year: 2013
Type: solo exhibition (drawings, prints, video)
Exhibition title: Vesna Bukovec, Risbe / Drawings
Location: Kulturni dom Franca Bernika Domžale, Galerija Domžale, Mestni trg 1, Domžale, SI
Date: April 11 – 27, 2013
Curator: Vasja Nagy
Vesna Bukovec, from the series There is no society without spectacle, 2011
Avtorica bo na pregledni razstavi predstavila svojo novejšo produkcijo na področju risbe. V njih na kritično-humoren način obravnava potrošništvo, pozitivno psihologijo, kulturo samopomoči, grajenje lastne podobe in identitete ter vlogo ženske v sodobni družbi. Motive povzema po fotografijah s svetovnega spleta, ki jih transformira v drug medij. Avtorica pred likovnim izrazom v ospredje postavlja sporočilnost, ki jo večkrat podpre tudi z vključenim besedilom. Serije njenih risb so tako kolaž citiranih podob in izjav, prek katerih podaja svoj komentar na sodobno družbo.
Besedilo o razstavi (avtor Vasja Nagy)
Vabilo/zloženka (pdf)
Galerija Domžale
Foto in video reportaža o razstavi
Galerija Domžale
Mestni trg 1, 1230 Domžale, trgovski kompleks Vele
pon.-pet. od 10. do 12. ure in od 15. do 19. ure,
ob sobotah od 10. do 12. ure
Vstop prost
Already since her first drawings for the public, Vesna Bukovec has been faithful to simple lines. Without shading or the illusion of space, she creates images full of meaning. Although they can be conceptual, they are an aesthetic whole, with no need for a special context. She chooses the motives from the media world of the Internet, television, popular magazines, which we can also see in her videos. She especially deals with themes relating to the consumer society of instant gratification and to some of the frustrations which life in this society provokes in the individual. The drawings are full of humour and also realistically brutal. They appear as a mirror of society, tilted in such a way that it highlights specific characteristics, specific relations.
Excerpt from the text by Vasja Nagy
Opening of the exhibition
Photo: Miha Ulčar (
Exhibition view
Galeries and Institutions
- ArtFem.TV
- Galerija Alkatraz
- Hiša kulture v Pivki
- International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)
- Museum of Modern Art (Moderna galerija)
- Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost
- Outcasting
- P74 Center and Gallery
- Photon Gallery
- SCCA-Ljubljana
- Simulaker
- Škuc Gallery
- The Bring In Take Out Living Archive
- The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec (Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec)
- Umetnostna galerija Maribor (UGM)